Ciel Home Energy Audit Program Yields 1,000 Trees!

In 2018, Ciel Power committed to planting one tree each time the company performed a home energy audit. This August, Ciel crossed a significant milestone with its home energy audit tree-planting program, planting more than 1,000 trees since the inception of this program two years earlier.

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Every day, we wake up in the morning and come to work examining people’s homes to see how we can make them more comfortable and energy-efficient. Most days, we repeat the process several times each day.

Our routine is so habitual that sometimes we hardly even think about it — let alone ponder the impact it may have on the planet. And yet if you’re out driving around to people’s homes each day, you’re adding to the burden on the environment every time you show up for an appointment. Why? Because we’re visiting so many places each week, consuming energy through the equipment and vehicles that help us do our jobs.

While there’s a pretty compelling case for planting trees, the question remains: would a few trees a day add up to meaningful change? Fast-forward two years and our membership with TreeEra has resulted in the planting of more than 1,000 new trees. When you look at it this way, what initially seemed like a very small impact has escalated into a pretty significant one -- taking us further off the sidelines in reducing our individual carbon footprint and in the much greater fight against climate change.

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